Film Paragraph

In the final scene of ‘The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button,’ the director David Fincher uses the film techniques of Mise en Scene and Sound to communicate the idea of the inevitability of time to the audience. The final scene features a montage of Daisy and Benjamin’s final years together. Benjamin gradually forgets how to walk and talk as he grows younger until death and Daisy mothers him. Throughout this scene, the slow, calming music portrays the idea that time, will always continue to move forward no matter how much we attempt to slow it down. It does this by utilizing the slow nature of the music in an attempt to slow time. This music works well with mise en scene to communicate the inevitability of time. Leaves falling in the background of the scene represent how time has an effect on all things and creatures including trees. The leaves fall from trees as the weather grows colder and time continues on nevertheless. Fincher uses these techniques to portray the wider idea that time will continue to progress and have an effect on all living things, proving the inevitability of aging. No matter the effort we put in to slow time it will keep going and that we all should make the most of the time we have with our loved ones

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